Slava Rapper di brescia video girato in ucraina

Slava: from Ukraine, a breath of fresh air for the Italian Rap

The italian rapper with Ukrainian origin, thanks to his thirst of redemption, has become one of the most interesting new faces of the Italian Hip-Hop scene.

A cool name in the Italian rap scene of the last years is definitely Slava. Vyacheslav Yermak, known as Slava, is class ’94 with Ukrainian origin but Brescian adoption. After years of dedication and hard working on composition, he recently achieved an important spot in the world of music. As declared by the rapper in the interview at Esse Magazine, his first approach to Rap and the composition took place when he was attending the Scientific High School at the age of 16.

Slava has already registered important numbers, getting a few million listeners from his song, including the one of July 2016 called “POTA F**A ALÜRA ENCÜLET“, made in collaboration with the well-known artist Frah Quintale praising over 2 million views on Youtube.
Even so, there are many other “hits” of the Ukrainian rapper that have pushed him higher and closer to the top of the Italian Rap. Among them, the songs that have brought him to playlists all over Italy are 1The flow is Slava” and “Quartieri del Sonno“, ended up to the spotlight of the big public.

For more than a year, the tracks of the Brescian naturalized rapper have all been signed by the producer Drillionaire, carrying on a confident and innovative style. One of the most iconic piece of Slava is undoubtedly “Zingarata“, a song surrendering the listener to the traditional sounds of the Eastern European music. All this can be imagined also from the title itself, referring ironically to the most rude clichés. The stylistic progress of Slava can be noticed track by track and with the latest work “Zerotrenta“, he arrives at the current peak of its growth. This piece is quite aggressive with an unique “real” touch leading us to experience personally the mentioned “zone”. Slava is hungry of fame and he doesn’t mask it, as stand out in the song “Briciole“.

The theme of rapper’s works is definitely his introspective being; he has got indeed the ability to empathize the audience in each situations, sharing in a very intimate way his own experience. Therefore, we can state with unconditional certainty that Slava is one of the most promising names of these days, ready to catch with fingernails and teeth what he deserve.


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