

I’m Warios, an artist specializing in calligraphy and lettering. My artistic path started with graffiti and then evolved into something different. I still consider myself a Graffiti Artist, but I believe that my artistic language has changed over time. I don’t know whether to still consider graffiti what I do but certainly my art and my research are deeply linked to letters and calligraphic strokes.

What fascinates me more and more about calligraphy is the constant practice it requires. The study of calligraphy is a continuous path without a real point of arrival, you can always and only improve but you will never reach perfection... at the base there is consistency in practice.

Currently, I collaborate with various brands and different realities from fashion to design and I live with my art. My tag, as well as being linked to the world of video games, comes from the union of letters that bind particularly well for me. Right from the start I looked for a challenging tag, either for the number of letters and for the shapes, in order to create complex wild styles full of loops and joints.

I’ve always been fascinated by Phase II masterpieces and aggressive, arrow-filled wild styles. For sure I have never considered myself a real bomber, I have always sought a style that is more complex than fast and easy to make. Anyway I pushed my name on the streets of Rome and then,thanks to graffiti, I traveled a lot which is still my first passion.

In the early 2000s, Rome was a "bomb" for graffiti and for me as a "kid" was the paradise. You only had to wander around the city to see all kinds of tags, graffiti and trains with a bang of different styles, thousands of throw-ups and an industrial quantity of black and silver. The Roman scene was wild because Rome is a Jungle, this has always been its hallmark.

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