Lordz Of VetraRNS


Robin picks up the sprays in the early 90s and with the legendary Milanese crew of Lordz Of Vetra, which includes other heavyweights such as Dumbo, Rash, Shampoo, Mind, Panda and Bean, just to name a few, he contributes to writing the history of Italian graffiti writing. In 1999 he took part in the creation of “Nero Inferno”, a historical documentary that inspired generations of writers to come. Today he works in London, in the field of special effects.

I was looking for a name that was impactful, easy to remember and I remember seeing a Polaroid pic of me as a kid dressed for Carnival as Robin Hood. That photo is a special memory because it was linked to a very special grandfather who I lost shortly after. Then, I liked the idea of an admired, secret , a wanted character that always gets away from situations.
When I started, there was the behavior to keep secrets and nobody told you anything. For example, there were those who had the keys to the metro and jealously guarded them, but they were never in the spirit of our crew...
Everyone wanted to be the best and "rock" with their style and they had different ideas on how to achieve this. There were those who painted only the trains, those who painted only the legal walls, those who filled the city with tags, or signatures, those who were angry with those who ravaged the city of signatures, those who sought only adrenaline...
These differences of views created many tensions which, however, were also the hallmark of the Milanese scene. In fact, these clashes were extremely productive both for the development of one's style and for the evolution of the movement, as well as for the growth of our personality
Us, the Lordz of Vetra, were all bombers and so as a crew we were really everywhere. On all Fn and Fs lines, Metro, bombings and megablocks in the city, but also on the walls in the various halls of fame.
In retrospect we were crazy but it was part of the writer's job who makes bombing climb over walls, hide in the most absurd places, paint in the dark or in the middle of winter with your hands freezing around spray can or breathe in the spray paint dust. This was the price to pay, as well as the risk of complaints, but if it allowed us to achieve our dreams it was worth it.
Who is Robin, Lordz Of Vetra and what does he do today? Today I work in the field of special effects and after years of hard work I am at the top of my profession. It is a creative but also technical and very complex job and every day is a new challenge to create beautiful, new and captivating images.

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