

My name is Vadim Mezzo and I am a street and fine artist from a cold and harsh place called Siberia. I reckon my artistic way started in the early childhood as I’ve always loved to draw something somewhere, but my way as a graffiti writer started in 2009.

Mezzo + Kenji Chai (Kuala Lumpur)
Smuk Fest (Skanderborg, Denmark)
Solo work (Russia)
Urban Giants 2018 (Milan)
Solo work (Russia)
Mezzo + Fans (Russia)
Bergen, Norway
Canvas Lust
Canvas StereoSkull

Not so long ago I took part to a big and famous Russian Street Art Festival called «Stenograffia». After that I decided that street art and travels became an important part of my lifestyle. In the following years  I started to develop my style in my country ‘til 2013, when I showed some of my skills in Germany. At that time some friends of mine were forming a graffiti crew named BrainMash, and I become a part of it.

Urban Giants 19 (Milano) Mezzo graffiti Urban Giants 2019 Milano

Year after year I started to travel a lot around with the crew taking part to various Street Art Festivals and events in Europe and Asia as the Meeting of Styles (Mainz, London, Milano), Looperfest (Milano), Urban Giants (Milano), Smuk Fest (Skanderborg, Denmark), Magic City (Munich, Germany), Meeting Neighborhood (Beijing, China) and others.

Meeting of Styles (London) - Bus with Tentacles
Solo Work (Los Angeles)
Solo Work (Tel Aviv)
Solo Work (Russia)
BrainMash Crew (Magic City, Munich) BrainMash Sci-fi Graffiti City
Solo Work (Russia)
Solo Work (Russia) Graffiti wolf
Solo Work (Russia)
Solo Work (Los Angeles)
Canvas diptych Pixelpunk (Magic City, Munich)
Solo Work (Bergen)
Solo Work (Hong Kong)
Mezzo with Artime Joe in Seoul
Mezzo + Jovanny (Cyprus)

Besides my teamwork I also do a lot of individual projects as Vadim Mezzo, interior and exterior commission works, painting canvases and drawing different digital stuff. Trying to experiment with styles, techniques and supports mixing graphic, realistic and abstract forms.

Mezzo + Jovanny (Beijing) Graffiti Godzilla - Mezzo + Jovanny (Beijing) - BrainMesh Crew

For example on my canvas I use a style that I prefer to call  «PIXELPUNK». It looks like some kind of picturesque graphics mixed with pixels, glitches and other warped images mostly performed in bright and colorful palette. By the way, on a graffiti scene I’m known as comic/cartoonish graphic styler.

This time around I’m intended to keep my international mark as much as I can. So, if you want me on some  festival, exhibition or other event, just let me know as I’m always keen for new projects!


BrainMash Crew (Russia) Graffiti - BrainMash crew (Russia)
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