Hey, my name is Kont, I have great respect for people who can always change their style and paint in such a way that it always looks extremely different. I always finish only light details light forms. I think there are no rules that you always have to paint differently. It’s enough if an image changes slightly, but still retains the style. I’ve been painting since 1997. I’ve been painting all these years without a break.
I met WeRT in 1999, who taught me a lot about graffiti. The friendship lasts to this day. I have a very unique and sensual style. Despite the many years and the many friends I got to know you, I am still very often and gladly alone. Graffiti is a part of my life, my kids and my wife don’t know me any other way.
I have to say that in the 90’s graffiti was somehow more interesting without the internet, you had to travel a lot to look at pictures and the respect for graffiti pictures was also greater. I think that I paint classic graffiti. I was taught by Wert One line and it has to fit. I’m not a big fan of cuten. For me it’s graffiti. Not everything has to be 100% clean.