IGKN3MTeam Goodshape


Born and raised in Berlin, i got in touch with graffiti and streetart when I was 12 and developed a passion for sketching in my early years. This passion lead me to study architecture, where I learned techniques, perspective drawing, light and shadow, workflows and conceptual thinking. Full of creativity I am painting on paper, canvases and walls after my daily job as an architect. I love to paint in the sun with friends, but also just by myself on canvases during the night. This year I had my first exhibition in Berlin Wedding at the 800A bar and mastered some commission works. For me art is life full of emotions and everyone is free to interpret it in their own ways. Peace!

When I was in the 4th grade, there was a graffiti workshop at school where I started to paint letters on paper and dived into the world of lettering and styling.
My first graff pseudonym was Kase, sketched it for 2 years until that one morning where i was about going to school by metro, there was rolling a whole car by Kase BAD in front of my eyes. It was clear that i have to change my name!
Art was always something i was really interested in. Especially the freedom to paint whatever you feel and don't care about people's judgements.
Also beeing anonymous and the mystery behind great stylers. Who is it, how did they paint that roof and how would be the people behind the styles?
Back in the early 2000s, I painted more and more Kaser styles and was part of my first crew called RSK. We experienced street bombing during holidays and were living in a parallel society. A classic period for young berlin writers.
Back in 2016 i started my social media page on facebook and after sharing some of my sketches the crew IGK (international Graff Killers, Ink Game Kartel) was asking me to join them.
I really apreciate beeing among of like minded artists where each one teach one. Thats hip hop.
I once painted a plane in Bangkok Thailand, that was a crazy experience and also a one time in life chance. It was special cause the surface is round in vertical axis, so you have to get used to it painting lines on that support.
I've painted tsrain, but nothing to show and also i figured out i wanna spend time to paint clean pieces and having breaks in between and developing styles at walls.
When you paint two pieces every week, you dont see much progress in your style. But when u look back what you painted months ago, you can see the differences...
I wouldnt name a special artist who inspired me a lot. I get inspiration from everywhere: graff writers, fine art, architecture, films and cartoons...
I think its important to get also inspirired by nature and non related art themes...
Berlin has too many strong writers to name them all, personally it changes for me with time. There are some writers i like the colorshemes, but not the letters and vice versa.
I think that beeing the biggest critic of my styles keeps my motivation alive. If you are never really satiesfied there is still room for improvements and so many things to try out.
Im a graff addict but also enjoy days without talking about it or practicing it. The balance keeps the motivation alive and also knowing that creativity is an energy which is not always around.

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