Gran Canaria


Ceser ’87, originally from the Island of Gran Canarìa (Spagna), is a graffiti writer active since 2004. Member of the VCG crew, Oover the years he has taken part to numerous International Graffiti Festivals, bringing his style around the world.

As a kid, I loved to draw but I did not dare to paint a wall because I didn't feel ready. One day when at a friend's house, I found some spray cans willing to try them for the first time...
I like to experience a little bit of everything. Puppets have always attracted my attention, but letters are what I love the most. I always try to put my name on walls or bombings but if they can be "decorated" with some puppet or character, even better!
I hardly painted trains! I come from an island where there are no railways and every time I travel I try to paint as much as possible. I remember once in Milan, I happened to paint with a flicker: it seemed to be in a disco, hahaha!
I know many people from a lot of country but in Barcelona and Milan I have real friends always up for a new adventure and a good laugh!
This culture is unstoppable, writers comes up like mushrooms! Anyone who criticizes this culture is a person faraway from this world. These people shouldn't criticize what they don't know, since we don't criticize what we don't know!

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